How to find size of all tables in a given database
In this we are going to return size of each table of a given database, the below sql script determines to check the object exists or not if object exists it drops and recreate with the name: usp_table_size, creating a procedure, using system stored procedure.
After the User stored procedure is created to find size of all tables in a given database we should execute the usp_table_size for this we will create a temporary table and insert values into temporary table and return the output as tabular format.
Step 1: Open SSMS
Step 2: Download the given SQL scripts/code below from links below and paste
/* Q : How to retrieve the size of all tables in given database */
/* Copyright C - SQLHASH - */
/* Do not change or edit or copy the code */
USE Master
IF Object_ID('usp_table_size') is not null Print 'usp_table_size Exist -- Dropping the Procedure and created new one'
Print 'usp_table_size Doesn''t Exist -- Created the Procedure'
IF Exists (Select name from sys.objects where name='usp_table_size' and type = 'p')
Drop Procedure usp_table_size
Create Proc usp_table_size @dbname sysname = null
--Set nocount on
Declare @tablesize varchar(255)
IF @dbname IS NULL Select @dbname = DB_NAME()
SELECT @tablesize = 'EXEC ' + @dbname + '..sp_MSforeachtable "sp_spaceused ''?''"'
/* ------------------------- Execute the procedure usp_table_size ------------------------- */
Drop Table #tablesize
Create table #tablesize
name varchar(50),
rows int,
reserved varchar(30),
data varchar(30),
index_size varchar(30),
unused varchar(30)
Insert into #tablesize Exec master..usp_table_size
Select name,rows,reserved,data,index_size,unused from #tablesize
Exec master..usp_table_size <Your DB Name>
/* ------------------------- Execute the procedure usp_table_size ------------------------- */
Step 3: Output: How to find size of all tables in a given database
Step 4: Download the code here
Download text file: How to find size of all tables in a given database
Download SQL file: How to find size of all tables in a given database
In this we are going to return size of each table of a given database, the below sql script determines to check the object exists or not if object exists it drops and recreate with the name: usp_table_size, creating a procedure, using system stored procedure.
After the User stored procedure is created to find size of all tables in a given database we should execute the usp_table_size for this we will create a temporary table and insert values into temporary table and return the output as tabular format.
Step 1: Open SSMS
Step 2: Download the given SQL scripts/code below from links below and paste
/* Q : How to retrieve the size of all tables in given database */
/* Copyright C - SQLHASH - */
/* Do not change or edit or copy the code */
USE Master
IF Object_ID('usp_table_size') is not null Print 'usp_table_size Exist -- Dropping the Procedure and created new one'
Print 'usp_table_size Doesn''t Exist -- Created the Procedure'
IF Exists (Select name from sys.objects where name='usp_table_size' and type = 'p')
Drop Procedure usp_table_size
Create Proc usp_table_size @dbname sysname = null
--Set nocount on
Declare @tablesize varchar(255)
IF @dbname IS NULL Select @dbname = DB_NAME()
SELECT @tablesize = 'EXEC ' + @dbname + '..sp_MSforeachtable "sp_spaceused ''?''"'
/* ------------------------- Execute the procedure usp_table_size ------------------------- */
Drop Table #tablesize
Create table #tablesize
name varchar(50),
rows int,
reserved varchar(30),
data varchar(30),
index_size varchar(30),
unused varchar(30)
Insert into #tablesize Exec master..usp_table_size
Select name,rows,reserved,data,index_size,unused from #tablesize
Exec master..usp_table_size <Your DB Name>
/* ------------------------- Execute the procedure usp_table_size ------------------------- */
Step 3: Output: How to find size of all tables in a given database
Step 4: Download the code here
Download text file: How to find size of all tables in a given database
Download SQL file: How to find size of all tables in a given database
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